Hegemonic Power of China
Some notable comparisons and lessons can be drawn from the fight for economic power between China and the United States. Some scholars depict the economic wrangle between the United States and China as usual because they are superpower countries. Political and social power determines how a nation can effectively preside over its hegemonic power compared to other nations. Since there has been competition for hegemonic power between the United States and China, it will be advantageous if china becomes a hegemonic leader over other nations' economies. According to Modelski, "if we look at the politics of these matters, the dominant fact would seem to be that the active focus for the global organization so far has always been a world power and that the identity, values, and resources of that power have shaped long stretches of the modern world experience” (Modelski, 2018).
China will have total power tom effectively manipulate its social and political institutions towards achieving a stabilized economic system other superpower countries such as the USA. China can solve its social and economic recession that has been a challenge in implementing strategies that make it hard to implement its socio-political strategy. By becoming a hegemonic leader, China can find strategies that can help achieve hegemonic power necessary for ensuring that it has a strong and favorable socio-political, economical atmosphere. Hegemonic power is essential to China because it will be able to improve on its dictatorship using the bureaucratic system that can make it powerful compared to China and India. "China's… Communist dictatorship can enact vast infrastructure and other projects with scant regard to the objections or concerns of citizens. In India's federalist, parliamentary democracy, however, governments ignore the electorate and local business interests at their peril….While Beijing has regularly launched massive infrastructure or industrial development projects that force countless rural residents off their land, such an approach would be political suicide in India” (Modelski, 2018). Overall, it will benefit china if it becomes a hegemonic leader since it will be able to preside over the economic strategies ruled out by superpower countries competing for hegemonic power globally.
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