Even if you have very good balance, it is unwise to stand too near to the edge of a railway platform when a train is quickly moving past. Explain why, using Bernoulli’s principle.
Expert's answer
According to Bernoulli’s theorem, greater is the velocity; smaller is the pressure and vice-versa. Therefore, the air pressure behind the person becomes bigger than the air pressure between the person and the train. Due to this pressure differences, the force acts on the person towards the train.
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06.05.18, 20:38
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06.05.18, 20:19
Give two reasons why braking systems in cars are hydraulic rather than
pneumatic. Explain your reasoning.
06.05.18, 20:18
a) If the small piston moves down a vertical distance of 20.0 cm, what
volume of fluid will be moved out of the smaller cylinder? b) When the
small piston moves 20.0 cm, what vertical distance will the large
piston move?
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
Give two reasons why braking systems in cars are hydraulic rather than pneumatic. Explain your reasoning.
a) If the small piston moves down a vertical distance of 20.0 cm, what volume of fluid will be moved out of the smaller cylinder? b) When the small piston moves 20.0 cm, what vertical distance will the large piston move?
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