A body of mass 0.2 kg is suspended from a spring of
force constant 100 N/m. The frictional force acting
on it is 60 Newton, Write down the equation of
motion and calculate the period of free oscillations. If
a harmonic force F = 20 cos 20t is applied,
calculate the amplitude of forced oscillations.
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14.07.17, 22:20
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C Mohanty
13.07.17, 07:37
For coupled pendula, the normal modes are Ksi(1) =(m/2)^1/2(x1+x2)
Ksi(2)=(m/2)^1/2(x1-x2) Calculate the total energy of the system
C Mohanty
13.07.17, 07:26
A body of mass 0.2 kg is suspended from a spring of force constant 100
N/m. The frictional force acting on it is 60 Newton, Write down the
equation of motion and calculate the period of free oscillations. If a
harmonic force F = 20 cos 20t is applied, calculate the amplitude of
forced oscillations. Draw diagram.
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
For coupled pendula, the normal modes are Ksi(1) =(m/2)^1/2(x1+x2) Ksi(2)=(m/2)^1/2(x1-x2) Calculate the total energy of the system
A body of mass 0.2 kg is suspended from a spring of force constant 100 N/m. The frictional force acting on it is 60 Newton, Write down the equation of motion and calculate the period of free oscillations. If a harmonic force F = 20 cos 20t is applied, calculate the amplitude of forced oscillations. Draw diagram.
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