A closed vessel having capacity 200 mL is filled with hydrogen gas at STP. Calculate
(i) Number of moles of hydrogen gas filled in the vessel.
(ii) Pressure of hydrogen gas in the vessel at 273°C.
(iii) Root mean square velocity of hydrogen gas at STP.
(iv) The value of Cp and Cv for hydrogen gas.
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18.01.16, 11:30
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17.01.16, 13:14
A closed vessel having capacity 200 mL is filled with hydrogen gas at
STP. Calculate (i) Number of moles of hydrogen gas filled in the
vessel. (ii) Pressure of hydrogen gas in the vessel at 273°C. (iii)
Root mean square velocity of hydrogen gas at STP. (iv) The value of Cp
and Cv for hydrogen gas.
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A closed vessel having capacity 200 mL is filled with hydrogen gas at STP. Calculate (i) Number of moles of hydrogen gas filled in the vessel. (ii) Pressure of hydrogen gas in the vessel at 273°C. (iii) Root mean square velocity of hydrogen gas at STP. (iv) The value of Cp and Cv for hydrogen gas.
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