1. Place two coins on the edge of the table at the same distance above the floor.
2. Drop the two coins at the same time and listen to the sound as they strike the
floor. Coin A must be dropped directly while
Coin B must be thrown in a projectile. You can
do this by flicking the coin across the table to
strike the first coin at the table’s edge. Try to
aim “off center”, this will drop the coin straight
down while projecting the coin with some
horizontals peed.
3. Record the time it takes for the two coins to
drop the floor. You may ask assistance of two
person in your house or someone to record the time.
Record your data on the provided answer sheet.
Calculate the time it will take for the coin to drop using equations for free-falling
bodies and projectile motion. Assume a zero initial velocity for both coins.
Compute for the percentage difference between calculated time and the experiments.
Show your solutions on the provided answer sheet.
Tine for coin 1 is 0.42 s, time for coin 2 is 0.43 s. The theoretical result for both is
for 87-cm-tall table.
The % difference is 0 for coin 1 and 2% for coin 2.
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