Quantum tunnelling is the quantum mechanical phenomenon where a particle (more accurately, its wavefunction) can propagate through a potential barrier.
Let tunneling lenght be "a = 0.2nm = 0.2\\times 10^{-9}m", the energy of the particle "E = 4eV \\approx 6.409 \\times 10^{-19}J" and the potential height "U = 10eV\\approx 16.02\\times 10^{-19}J". The tunneling propability is then given as follows (see https://courses.physics.illinois.edu/phys485/fa2015/web/tunneling.pdf, page 13):
"T = \\left( 1 + \\dfrac{\\sinh^2(\\beta a)}{4(E\/V)(1-E\/V)} \\right)^{-1}"
where "\\beta=\\dfrac{\\sqrt{2m(V-E)}}{\\hbar}", "m = 9.1\\times 10^{-31}kg" is the mass of electron and "\\hbar=1.055\\times 10^{-34}Js". Thus, obtain:
Answer. (i) 0.2nm, (ii) 0.025.
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