From Van Buren Bridge I cycle straight east along Hwy34 for 7.2 miles. I turn left into
Looney Lane and ride straight north for 2.0 miles where I reach the LBCC campus.
Along Hwy34, the traffic is sometimes terrifying. A few years ago the new bike path
was built, and I tried it out. I did not take Hwy34 but followed the new safe route that
was suggested by friends. So I rode the 3.1 miles on the new bike path from the
VanBuren/Harrison Bridge along Hwy34 east, then north east along Riverside Dr.,
SW Queen Ave. and finally along Hwy99E to LBCC. It was a Saturday, and I was
30min late to the TASS session at LBCC. That was not what I had planned, and I am
back riding along Hwy34 with my heart fearfully beating but being in time for class.
On my rides I often think about how another bike path could create a better and safer
riding experience.
a) Assume the community would agree to build a necessary bike path in a straight
line from the intersection of Hwy34 and Riverside Dr. to the LBCC campus.
What would be the distance of that bike ride?
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