30N and 46N forces are perpendicular to each other and pull a single object what is the third force that must act on the object if the result is 0
Let "F_1=30\\ N" pulls the object along the horizontal and "F_2=46\\ N" pulls the object along the vertical. Let's find the magnitude and direction of the third force. Let’s write the sum of projections of the forces on axis "x"- and "y":
Then, we get:
We can find the magnitude of the third force from the Pythagorean theorem:
Let's find the direction of the third force:
In order to find correct angle we must subtruct the obtained angle from "360^{\\circ}":
To obtaine zero resultunt force, the third force must have the magnitude 55 N and direction "237^{\\circ}"(counted conterclockwise from the "x"-axis).
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