Define numerical aperture and angle of acceptance. An optical fiber has a numerical
aperture of 0.20 and cladding refractive index of 1.59. Calculate the refractive index
of the core material and the acceptance angle of the fibre in water whose refractive
index is 1.33.
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Kiya Abdu
19.09.21, 17:00
Assignment Expert
04.05.20, 19:57
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02.05.20, 11:47
The numerical aperture of an optical fiber is 0.39. If the difference
in the refractive indices of the material of its core and cladding is
0.05, calculate the refractive index of material of the core.
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
The numerical aperture of an optical fiber is 0.39. If the difference in the refractive indices of the material of its core and cladding is 0.05, calculate the refractive index of material of the core.
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