6 Which of the following is NOT true of experiments involving curved mirrors? a) image distance is negative for for real image b) object distance is positive c) image distance is negative for virtual image d) focal length is negative for convex mirrors
7 An estimate of the refractive index of glass is 1.5. If the angle of incidence is 30o the angle of refraction is? a) 19 o b) 60 o d) 35 o d) 70 o
8 The critical angle for total internal reflection at an air - water interface is approximately 48o. In which of the following situations will total internal reflection occur. a) light incident in water at
40 o b) light incident in water at 55 o c) light incident in air at 40 o d) light incident in air at 55 o
9 When refraction occurs which of the following remains unchanged? a) wave number b) wavelength c) velocity d)frequecy
10 Which of these may NOT be a useful apparatus in an optical experiment? a)optical pins b)lenses c) protractor d) crocodile clip
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