1. a vessel contains non linear triatomic gas. if 50% of gas dissociates into individual atom then find the new degree of freedom by ignoring the vibrational mode and further dissociation.(Ans-3.75)
2.A narrow glass tube 80 cm long and opened at both ends is half immersed in mercury and now the top of the tube is closed and is taken out of mercury. A column of mercury 20 cm long remains in the tube. Find atm pressure(ans-60 cm of Hg column)
3.The mean free path of a molecule of He gas is A. Its mean free path along any arbitary cordinate axis will be?(ans-A/3)
4.Two container A and B are partly filled with water and closed. The volume of A is twice of B and it contains half the amount of water in B. IF both are at same temperature the water vapour in the container will have pressure ratio? (ans-1:1)
Dear Fayez Alam, thank you for comment. Indeed, you are right, we can
find the resulting degree of freedom as i = (i_1*n_1 +
i_2*n_2)/(n_1+n_2) = (3*1.5 + 6*0.5)/2 = 3.75
Fayez Alam
11.01.18, 11:41
Q 1. Ans is wrong..As the •5 mole atom dissociate into 3 indiviual
atoms so the are now 1•5 moles.And total gas now (1•5+5)=2
moles.Now The degree of freedom =(•5*3+(3*•5)*3)/2=3•75
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Dear Fayez Alam, thank you for comment. Indeed, you are right, we can find the resulting degree of freedom as i = (i_1*n_1 + i_2*n_2)/(n_1+n_2) = (3*1.5 + 6*0.5)/2 = 3.75
Q 1. Ans is wrong..As the •5 mole atom dissociate into 3 indiviual atoms so the are now 1•5 moles.And total gas now (1•5+5)=2 moles.Now The degree of freedom =(•5*3+(3*•5)*3)/2=3•75
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