A jar of tea is placed in sunlight until it reaches an equilibrium temperature of 30.7 ◦C . In an attempt to cool the liquid, which has a mass of 187 g , 130 g of ice at 0.0 ◦C is added. At the time at which the temperature of the tea is 24.6 ◦C , find the mass of the remaining ice in the jar. The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg · ◦ C . Assume the specific heat capacity of the tea to be that of pure liquid water. Answer in units of g.
"c_tm_t(t_t-t)=\\lambda m+c_wm(t-t_i);\\implies m=\\dfrac{c_tm_t(t_t-t)}{\\lambda +c_w(t-t_i)};"
Answer: "m=11g."
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