Sho w that the following relations hold for a reversible adiabatic
expansion o f an idea l gas:
The firebal l o f a uraniu m fissio n bom b consist s o f a spher e o f ga s
of radiu s 15 m and temperatur e 300000 K shortl y after detonation .
Assuming that the expansion is adiabatic and that the fireball remain s
spherical, estimat e th e radiu s o f the bal l whe n th e temperatur e i s
3000 K. (Tak e y=1.4.)
these formula will be used
TVγ-1 = constant .......(1)
T1V1γ-1=T2V2 γ-1 ..........(2)
we can find V1 as we have given radius , and also we know t1 and t2 , further we can find V2
V1 = volume of sphere
(r= 15m)
On solving
We got
V1 = 14137.17m3
T1= 300000 K
T2= 3000 K
γ-1 = 1.4 -1
= 0.4
now we solve for V2
V2 γ-1 = "T_1V_1^{\u03b3-1} \\over T_2"
On solving we got
V2 = (1413710684.13)m3
And r= "({3V\\over 4\\pi }){^1\\over3}"
r2 = 438.54m
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