Air conditioner are often rated in EER instead of COP . The meaning is the same but the units are different COP = Qc/ E electrical is in J/J and EER = QC / E electrical is in BTU/h / W Convert a COP of 3.2 to EER
According to Thermodynamics The terms COP (coefficient of performance) and EER (energy efficiency ratio) describe the heating and cooling efficiency of air conditioners.
Both EER and SEER has the unit of Btu/Wh.
1kWh = 3412 Btu
1Wh = 3.412 Btu
A device that removes 1kWh of heat from the cooled space for each kWh of electricity it consumes (COP=1) will have an ER of 3.412. therefore:
EER=3.412 COP
COP=0.293 EER.
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