Let Fa be force applied to block, m be mass of the block, Fk and Fs be kinetic and static friction respectively, kk and ks be coefficients of kinetic and static friction.
a)To move object from the rest force applied to block must overcome static friction force,
"F_a=F_s=k_s\\cdot m\\cdot d,\\"
"k_s=\\frac{F_a}{m\\cdot g}=\\frac{80}{28\\cdot 9.8}\\approx0.29"
b) Since acceleration of the block is zero
"F_a=F_k=k_k\\cdot m\\cdot g,"
"k_k=\\frac{F_a}{m\\cdot g}=\\frac{57}{28\\cdot 9.8}\\approx0.2"
Answer: a)0.29, b) 0.2.
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