In an attempt to escape his island, Gilligan builds a raft and sets to sea. The wind shifts a great deal during the day, and he is blown along the following straight lines:
2.5 km 45° north of west; then
4.70 km 60° south of east; then
5.1 km straight east; then
7.2 km 55° south of west; and finally
2.8 km 10° north of east.
When showing the equation example
4.7∙cos300°+4.7∙sin300°=2.35−4.07 before you do the math you
show that we will add the two but once you have done the calculations
you show that we subtract. Why show that we will add if you are
actually subtracting?
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Dear Bryan, sin300° = -0.866
When showing the equation example 4.7∙cos300°+4.7∙sin300°=2.35−4.07 before you do the math you show that we will add the two but once you have done the calculations you show that we subtract. Why show that we will add if you are actually subtracting?
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