What are the quantum numbers for the electrons in the lithium
atom (Z = 3) when the atom is in its ground state?
Lithium has two 1s-electrons and one 2s-electron (1s22s1).
n is equal to the number of the subshell
l = 0 ... (n - 1) (for s-electrons l = 0)
ml = -l ... +l
ms = 1/2 or -1/2
Quantum numbers for 1s electron (1):
n = 1
l = 0
ml = 0
ms = 1/2
Quantum numbers for 1s electron (2):
n = 1
l = 0
ml = 0
ms = -1/2
Quantum numbers for 2s electron:
n = 2
l = 0
ml = 0
ms = 1/2
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