Two equal point charges A and B are R distance apart. A third point charge placed on perpendicular bisector at a distance "d" from the centre will experience max electrostatic force when?????
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Assignment Expert
24.06.15, 18:46
Dear Aditya Dutta, unfortunately this is how the right answer looks
like. To solve this problem we need to use basic physics equations.
Otherwise it will be not physics but philosophy )
Aditya Dutta
17.06.15, 22:01
Thanks, For the help SIR/MAM. but is there any other way out solving
this question more conceptually and minimizing the Mathematical
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Dear Aditya Dutta, unfortunately this is how the right answer looks like. To solve this problem we need to use basic physics equations. Otherwise it will be not physics but philosophy )
Thanks, For the help SIR/MAM. but is there any other way out solving this question more conceptually and minimizing the Mathematical operations?
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