The number density of valence electrons is given by formula
"n=\\frac{N_A Z\u03c1}{M} (1)"
where NA is the Avogadro’s constant, Z is the valency, ρ is the density, M is the the molar mass
Using (1) we got
In our case, we have NA=6.02×1023 mol-1, Z=1, ρ=530kg/m3, M=7×10-3 kg/mol
n= 4.54 x 1028 m-3
4.54 x 1028 m-3
The resistivity is is given by formula
"\u03c1=\\frac{m}{q\u00d7q\u00d7n\u00d7\u03c4} (2)"
where m is the effective mass of the conduction electrons (m=9.1×10-31 kg), q is the elementary charge (q=1.6×10-19 C), n is the density of conduction electrons (n=4.54 x 1028 m-3), τ is the mean time between collisions.
Mean free path is given by
"d=\u03c4\u00d7v (3)"
where v is the Fermi velocity for Lithium
The Fermi velocity is given by formula
"v= \\sqrt\\frac{3kT} {m} (4)"
where k is the Boltzmann constant, m is the effective mass of the conduction electrons (m=9.1×10-31 kg), T=295 K
Using (4) we got
v=116×105 m/s (5)
We can find the mean time between collisions
τ=8.6×10-17 s (6)
We put (6) in (2)
ρ=9.4×10-8 m×Ώ
9.4×10-8 m×Ώ
Thanks very much, but it remain the calculation of resistivity for temperature of 295k and mean free path of 1nanometer. Thanks in advance.
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