A coil of wire with 50 turns and 10 cm diameter is placed perpendicularly to a uniform magnetic field of 0.03 T. Calculate the induced e.m.f. if the coil is flipped 60 degree in 30 ms. The coil is connected to an electrical instrument that has resistance of 35 ohm. Calculate the induced current flows in the coil.
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22.12.18, 03:23
A current of 8 A flowing in a coil produces a magnetic flux linkages
of 10mWb. When the switch is disconnected the current drops to 0 A in
0.05 s. Determined the inductance of the coil.
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
A current of 8 A flowing in a coil produces a magnetic flux linkages of 10mWb. When the switch is disconnected the current drops to 0 A in 0.05 s. Determined the inductance of the coil.
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