Two objects of equal mass, m, are separated by a distance d. Answer the following questions: a) If the distance was doubled, what would happen to the force of attraction?
Doubled Quadrupled No Change Cut by 1/4th Cut by 1/2
b) If the mass of the first object was doubled, what would happen to the force of attraction?
Cut by 1/4th Cut by 1/2 Doubled No Change Quadrupled
c) If the mass of both objects was doubled, what would happen to the force of attraction?
Cut by 1/4th Cut by 1/2 Quadrupled Doubled No Change
d) If the distance was cut in half, what would happen to the force of attraction?
Quadrupled No Change Cut by 1/2 Cut by 1/4th Doubled
e) If the mass of both objects was doubled and the distance was doubled, what would happen to the force of attraction?
Cut by 1/2 Doubled Cut by 1/4th Quadrupled No Change
f) If the mass of both objects was halved and the distance was halved, what would happen to the force of attraction?
Quadrupled Cut by 1/4th No Change Cut by
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