A variable voltage supply was connected in a series circuit with a 10 ohm resistor and an incandescent bulb.
Assume that the incandenscent bulb has a linear relationship between its measured voltage and current (i.e. Ohm's Law: V=IR).
Table: Measured current and voltage across a light bulb.
Voltage (V): 1 ; 3.5 ; 5.6 ; 7.2 ; 9 ; 10.5
Current (mA): 60 ; 275 ; 450 ; 550 ; 640 ; 820
1. Draw a graph to represent this data. Calculate the slope of this graph, and use this value to determine the resistance of the globe.
2. Describe an alternative method (that doesn't use a graph) to analyse the measured voltage and current data to determine the resistance of the globe. Use this method and compare its result to the value calculated using the graph technique.
3. The globe has a maximum allowable voltage of 12V. The variable voltage is adjusted so that 12V is measured across the globe. Predict and briefly justify what the corresponding current measurement would be.
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