Prove that equivalent resistance R of other resistor R1 R2 R3...RN in series is given as
R= R1+R2+R3+...RN
By the law of the conservation of charge/the continuity of current we find that the current in each element is the same "I_1=I_2=...=I_N=I".
As the tension "U" is equal to the potential difference between the ends of the series of elements, we can decompose it as "U = \\phi_{after}-\\phi_{before}=(\\phi_{after N}-\\phi_{after (N-1)})+(\\phi_{after (N-1)}-\\phi_{after (N_2)})+...+(\\phi_{after 1}-\\phi_{before 1})" where "\\phi_{before\/after \\text{ }i}" means the potential right before/after the i-th element. Thus, we deduce that
"U= \\sum U_i", i.e. the total tension is distributed between the elements.
Now by applying the Ohm's law to each element we have "U_i = I_i R_i", "U=IR_{equivalent}". Applying the two previous results we find "R_{equivalent} = \\sum U_i\/I = \\sum R_i"
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