If you make a rough estimate of how much energy the sun emits, you’ll get something like:
"E=0.007 \\times 0.1 \\times M_{sun}c^2"the rate at which the sun is giving off energy is equal "3.8 \\times 10^{26} W" . And lifetime of the sun is
"t_{sun} = \\frac{E}{3.8 \\times 10^{26}} = \\frac{0.007 \\times 0.1 \\times M_{sun}c^2}{3.8 \\times 10^{26}}"If mass of the star is "M_{star} = 0.5M_{sun}", then
"t_{star}=0.5t_{sun} = 5\\times 10^9 yrs"
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