Trigonometric integrals
3 example
3 application real life
Examples and real life applications :
1.An Architect Engineer uses integration in determining the amount of the necessary materials to construct curved shape constructions (for example, dome over a sports arena) and also to measure the weight of that structure .It is used to improve the architecture not only of buildings but also of important infrastructures such as bridges.
2.Trigonometric integrals like these are very important throughout science and engineering. The field of Fourier analysis, which includes Fourier series and the "Fourier transform", is based upon series of terms that include trigonometric functions and we often have to integrate complicated trigonometric expressions. You couldn't get an MRI image of your aching knee, for example, if it weren't for the Fourier transform and trigonometric integrals.
3.Trigonometric integral in form of Fourier Series is widely uses in telecommunications system, for modulation and demodulation of voice signals, also the input, output and calculation of pulse and their sine or cosine graph.
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