When you have elements to place in three sets, work from the inside out.
Step 1: Find the elements that are common to all three sets and place in region V.
Step 2: Find the elements for region II. Find the elements in "A\\cap B." The elements in this set belong in regions II and V. Place the elements in the set that are not listed in region V in region II. The elements in regions IV and VI are found in a similar manner.
Step 3: Determine the elements to be placed in region I by determining the elements in set A that are not in regions II, IV, and V. The elements in regions III and VII are found in a similar manner.
Step 4: Determine the elements to be placed in region VIII by finding the elements in the universal set that are
not in regions I through VII.
"Total=n(No\\ set)+n(exactly\\ one\\ set)+""+n(exactly\\ two\\ sets)+n(exactly\\ three\\ sets)+"
"Total=n(No\\ set)+n(At\\ least\\ one\\ set),"
"n(At\\ least\\ one \\ set)=n(A)+n(B)+n(C)-"
"-n(A\\cap B)-n(A\\cap C)-n(B\\cap C)+n(A\\cap B\\cap C),"
"n(A\\cap B)" includes the elements which are in both "A" and "B" and it also includes elements which are in "A,B" and "C." Because of this we should remove "n(A\\cap B\\cap C)" from "n(A\\cap B)" to get "n(A \\ and\\ B\\ only)."
Similarly we get "n(A \\ and\\ C\\ only)" and "n(B \\ and\\ C\\ only)." So adding all these three give us number of elements in exactly 2 sets.
"n(Exactly\\ two\\ sets)=n(A\\cap B)+n(A\\cap C)+n(B \\cap C)-"
"-3\\cdot n(A\\cap B\\cap C)"
Now we can get "n(At\\ least\\ two\\ sets)." Here, we include the elements which are in all three sets once
"n(At\\ least\\ two\\ sets)=n(Exactly\\ two\\ sets)+n(A\\cap B\\cap C)="
"=n(A\\cap B)+n(A\\cap C)+n(B \\cap C)-2\\cdot n(A\\cap B\\cap C)"
"n(Exactly\\ one\\ set)=n(At\\ least\\ one \\ set)-n(At\\ least\\ two\\ sets)="
"=n(A)+n(B)+n(C)-n(A\\cap B)-n(A\\cap C)-n(B\\cap C)+"
"+n(A\\cap B\\cap C)-n(A\\cap B)-n(A\\cap C)-n(B \\cap C)+"
"+2\\cdot n(A\\cap B\\cap C)=n(A)+n(B)+n( C)-2\\cdot n(A\\cap B)-"
"-2\\cdot n(A\\cap C)-2\\cdot n(B\\cap C)+3\\cdot n(A\\cap B\\cap C)"
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