4. In each situation, indicate whether the value given in bold print is a statistic or a parameter.a) Of 10 students sampled from a class of 200, 8 (80%) said they would like the school library to have longer hours. A) Statistic B) Parameterb) 75% of all students at a school are in favor of more bicycle parking spaces on campus. A) Statistic B) Parameterc) Dyscalculia is a learning disability involving innate difficulty in learning or comprehending mathematics. It is akin to dyslexia and can include confusion about math symbols. Dyscalculia can also occur as the result of some types of brain injury. Dyscalculia occurs in people across the whole IQ range and affects roughly 5% of all Americans. A) Statistic B) Parameter
Expert's answer
a) Statistic - it is calculated from sample data.
b) Parameter - it is a population proportion.
c) Parameter - it is a population proportion ( 5% of all Americans).
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