1. The thickness x of a protective coating applied to a conductor designed to work in corrosive conditions follows a uniform distribution over the interval [20, 40] microns. a) What is the probability of the thickness of the protective coating applied to the conductor to be less than 35 microns?b) Find the probability of the thickness of the protective coating applied to the conductor to be between 23 and 32 microns.c) Find the mean, standard deviation of the thickness of the protective coating. Find also the probability that the coating is less than 35 microns thick.
Expert's answer
We know that X∼U(20,40) with probability density
Let's find the probability density as
At the interval x∈(−∞,a] we get FX(x)=−∞∫x0dξ=0
At the interval x∈[a,b] we get FX(x)=a∫xb−a1dξ=b−aξ∣∣ax=b−ax−a
At the interval x∈[b,+∞) we get FX(x)=b−ab−a+b∫+∞0dξ=1
Dear Azlan Ikram, thank you for correcting us.
Its (x-a)/(b-a) for a
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