Que-1. The probability that a bulb produced by a factory will fuse after certain period of time is 0.05. Find the probability that out of 5 such bulbs a. None fuses b. Not more than 2 fuse c. More than 2 fuse
Que-2. A supplier of components to an electronic industry makes a sophisticated product which sometimes fails immediately it is used. He controls his manufacturing process so that the proportion of faulty products is supposed to be only 5%. Out of 400 supplies in a batch, 26 prove to be faulty. Verify the manufacturer’s claim. Use 0.05 level of significance.
Que-3. The ages of husbands and wives in a community were found to have a correlation coefficient equal to +0.8; the average of husbands’ ages was 25 years and that of wives’ ages 22 years; their standard deviations were respectively 4 and 5 years. Find the two lines of regression and from the lines ,measure a. The expected age of husband when wife’s age is 12 years b. The expected age of wife when husband’s age is 33 years
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