In a factory turning out razor blade, there is a small chance of 1/500 for any blade to be defective. The blades are supplied in a packet of 10. Use Poisson distribution to calculate the approximate number of packets containing blades with no defective, one defective, two defectives and three defectives in a consignment of 10,000 packets
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Deep Rana
13.12.19, 14:16
Did you mean: A factory turning out lenses, Supplies them in packets
of 1000. The packet is considered by the purchaser to be unacceptable
if it contains 50 or more detective lenses. if a purchaser selects 30
lenses at random from a packet and adopts the criteria of rejecting
the packet if it contains 3 or more defectives. what is the
probability that the packets. (1) will be accepted. (2) will not be
accepted ?
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Dear Deep Rana. You asked a new problem. Please use the panel for submitting new questions.
Did you mean: A factory turning out lenses, Supplies them in packets of 1000. The packet is considered by the purchaser to be unacceptable if it contains 50 or more detective lenses. if a purchaser selects 30 lenses at random from a packet and adopts the criteria of rejecting the packet if it contains 3 or more defectives. what is the probability that the packets. (1) will be accepted. (2) will not be accepted ?
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