1.The waiting time, in hour, between successive speeders spotted by a radar units is a continuous random variable with cumulative distribution function
"f(x)={(1-e^(-8x), if x>0,0 otherwise)"derive the characteristic function of x and use it to find the mean of x
The characteristic function has the form: "\\varphi(t)=E[e^{itX}]". We receive the following expression: "\\varphi(t)=\\int_{-\\infty}^{+\\infty}e^{itx}p(x)dx", where "t\\in{\\mathbb{R}}". "p(x)" is the probability density function. "p(x)=f'(x)=8e^{-8x}", "x>0". For "x<0" the probability density function is . We get: "\\varphi(t)=8\\int_{0}^{+\\infty}e^{itx-8x}dx=\\frac{8}{it-8}e^{itx-8x}|_0^{+\\infty}=-\\frac{8}{it-8}". It is known that: "\\frac{\\partial\\varphi(t)}{\\partial t}|_{t=0}=iE[X]". We get: "\\frac{\\partial\\varphi(t)}{\\partial t}=\\frac{8i}{(it-8)^2}". We receive: "E[X]=\\frac18".
Answer: "E[X]=\\frac18."
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