Three airlines serve a Srinagar. Airline 'Amira' has 50% of all the scheduled flights, airline 'Biyas' has30% and airline 'chinar' has the remaining 20%. Their on-time rates are 80%, 65%, and 40%, respectively.
Part 2) A plane has just left on time. What is the probability that it was airline 'Amira'.
"H_1-Amira,H_2-Biyas,H_3-Chinar\\\\A-on\\,\\,time\\\\P\\left( H_1 \\right) =0.5,P\\left( H_2 \\right) =0.3,P\\left( H_3 \\right) =0.2\\\\P\\left( A|H_1 \\right) =0.8,P\\left( A|H_2 \\right) =0.65,P\\left( A|H_3 \\right) =0.4\\\\P\\left( H_1|A \\right) =\\frac{P\\left( A|H_1 \\right) P\\left( H_1 \\right)}{P\\left( A|H_1 \\right) P\\left( H_1 \\right) +P\\left( A|H_2 \\right) P\\left( H_2 \\right) +P\\left( A|H_3 \\right) P\\left( H_3 \\right)}=\\\\=\\frac{0.8\\cdot 0.5}{0.8\\cdot 0.5+0.65\\cdot 0.3+0.4\\cdot 0.2}=0.592593"
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