Is the interaction variation significant in case of the following information concerning mileage based on
different brands of gasoline and cars?
"H_0:" there is no interaction between different brands of gasoline and cars
"H_a:" there is an interaction between different brands of gasoline and cars
factor A is cars
factor B is brand of gasoline
F Statistic:
"F_{AB} = MS_{AB} \/ MS_E=2.71"
Mean Square:
MSAB = SSAB / DFAB = 2.71
DFAB = (a - 1)(b - 1) = 6
Sum of Squares:
SSAB=ΣiaΣjbni,j(Ȳi,j - Ȳi - Ȳj + Ȳ)2 = 16.25
Error Mean Square:
MSE = SSE / DFE = 1
SSE=ΣiaΣjbΣkni,j(Yi,j,k - Ȳi,j)2 = 12
critical value:
where error df2:
DFE = n - a*b = "24-3\\cdot4=12"
Since "F<F_{crit}" we accept null hypothesis. There is no interaction between different brands of gasoline and cars.
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