Four microprocessors are randomly selected from a lot of 100 microprocessors among which 10 are defective. Find the probability of obtaining no defective microprocessors.
The probability of obtaining no defective microproccessors is equal to probability that every obtained microprocessor is good
Let A be "all microprocessors are good", "A{\\scriptscriptstyle n}" be "n-th microprocessors is good", then
"P(A{\\scriptscriptstyle 1})= {\\frac {90} {100}}"
"P(A{\\scriptscriptstyle 2})= {\\frac {89} {99}}"
"P(A{\\scriptscriptstyle 3})= {\\frac {88} {98}}"
"P(A{\\scriptscriptstyle 4})= {\\frac {87} {97}}"
Since all probabilities were calculated considering the changes in the amount of the detais after each pick, then
"P(A) =P(A{\\scriptscriptstyle 1})*P(A{\\scriptscriptstyle 2})*P(A{\\scriptscriptstyle 3})*P(A{\\scriptscriptstyle 4})={\\frac {90*89*88*87} {100*99*98*97}}=0.6516" (approximately)
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