A study was conducted to determine the adaptive significance of flower colour
in the scarlet gilia. The question is whether red of white flowered plants are
more attractive to the hummingbird pollinator. The numbers of fruit set in
flowers of the two colours was collected and is given in the following table.
Red White Totals
Fruit Set Yes 85 140 225
No 575 665 1240
Totals 660 805 1465
Below is the output for a X2 test of association.
Chi-Square Test: C17, C18
Expected counts are prjnted below observed counts
Chi-Square contributions are printed below expected counts
CI1 ClB Total
1 85 140 225
101.31 L23.63
2 .642 2 .166
2 515 555 1240
558.63 687.31
0.419 0.393
Totaf 660 805 1465
Chi-Sq : 5.681, DF : I, P-Value 0.017
a) Give the null and alternate hypotheses for a test of association. l2l
b) Tell how the expected value of 101 .37 for the number setting fruit in red
flowers was obtained, not simply the calculation but why it is done that
way, in other words, how it is related
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