There are 680 female students on the roster at Neil Armstrong High School. Out of these 680 female students, 68 are in the band and 187 have a drivers’ license. 51 female students have a drivers’ license and are in the band.
11. How can you tell that this information can be represented with a Venn diagram?
12. What is the probability of a female student being in the band?
13. What is the probability of a female student having her drivers’ license?
14. What is the probability of a female student having her drivers’ license and being in the band?
Total no. of female students = 680
Female student in the band = 68
Female student having drivers license = 187
Female student have drivers license and are in band = 51
Solution: 11
Using a 2 circle Venn diagram, we can cover every possibility given,
Therefore, This information can be represented with a Venn diagram.
12. The probability of female student being in the band =
"=\\frac{ 68}{680}"
"= \\frac{1}{10}"
"= 0.1"
13. The probability of the female students being in drivers license
"= \\frac{187}{680}"
"= 0.275"
14. The probability of the female student have drivers license and are in band
"= \\frac{51}{680}\\\\"
"= 0.075"
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