1. A bunch of mixed colored roses has 5 red roses, 3 pink roses, 2 white roses, and 2 yellow roses. What is the probability of drawing a pink rose from this bunch of roses?
2. Consider the experiment of rolling a fair die twice. Find the probability that the sum of the two dice equal 4 and one of the dice is a 3.
3. A couple has three children. What is the probability that they will have 2 of one gender and 1 of the other gender?
4. A Rasmussen report in 2009 gives the details about the support President Obama has for his stimulus plan. The table below gives information about the opinions of 200 Democrats, 200 Republicans, and 100 Independents. Use the table to find the probability that a randomly selected individual is a Democrat or he or she favors the plan.
Favor Opposed Not Sure Total
Democrat 128 21 51 200
Republican 26 144 30 200
Independent 31 50 19 100
Total 185 215 100 500
5. According to the National Lightning Safety Institute, 1 in every 200 households will be struck
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