Suppose (Ξ©, π, π) is a probability space and π΅ is an event with π(π΅) > 0. Prove that (Ξ©, π, π(β |π΅)), where π(β |π΅) is the conditional probability given π΅, is a probability space.
Please provide step by step solutions and logical explanations :)
A probability space is defined if the following components are defined and the following relations/properties are satisfied:
1) A sample space is to be defined as a set. The sample space is "\\Omega".
2) An event space is to be defined as a sigma-algebra of subsets of the sample space. The event space is π. This is a sigma-algebra of subsets of "\\Omega".
3) A probability function is to be defined as a non-negative sigma-additive function P' which has the event space as a domain and which is normalized by the condition P'(Ξ©)=1. The candidate to this function is π(β |π΅), the necessary properties of which are to be verified:
3.1) The domain of P'=π(β |π΅) must be the event space π. - Valid.
3.2) The function P' is non-negative. - Valid, because of "P'(A)=P(AB)\/P(B)", "P(AB)\\geq 0" and "P(B)>0".
3.3) The function P' is normalized. - Valid, because of "P'(\\Omega)=P(\\Omega B)\/P(B)=1".
3.4) The function P' is additive. Indeed, if "A_1, A_2" are two events such that "A_1\\cap A_2=\\emptyset", then "A_1B\\cap A_2B=\\emptyset" and "P'(A_1\\cup A_2)=P((A_1\\cup A_2)\\cap B)\/P(B)=P((A_1\\cap B)\\cup (A_2\\cap B))\/P(B)=(P(A_1\\cap B)+P(A_2\\cap B))\/P(B)=P(A_1\\cap B)\/P(B)+P(A_2\\cap B)\/P(B)=P'(A_1)+P'(A_2)"
(the 3rd equality is provided by additivity of the probability function P).
3.5) The function P' is sigma-additive. Indeed, if "A_1, A_2, A_3, \\dots" is a countable sequence od non-intersecting sets, then "A_iB\\cap A_jB=(A_i\\cap A_j)\\cap B=\\emptyset" and
"P'(\\bigcup\\limits_{i=1}^\\infty A_i)=P((\\bigcup\\limits_{i=1}^\\infty A_i)\\cap B)\/P(B)=P(\\bigcup\\limits_{i=1}^\\infty A_i\\cap B)\/P(B)=(\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^\\infty P(A_i\\cap B))\/P(B)=\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^\\infty P(A_i\\cap B)\/P(B)=\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^\\infty P'(A_i)"
(the 3rd equality is provided by sigma-additivity of the probability function P).
As all conditions are satisfied, therefore, (Ξ©, π, π(β |π΅)) is indeed a probability space.
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