(i) p(the person will receive a speed ticket) = 1 - p(will not receive a speed ticket)
p(will not receive a speed ticket) = p(will not receive 1st ticket)*p(will not receive 2nd ticket)*p(will not receive 3rd ticket)*p(will not receive 4th ticket)
p(will not receive nth ticket) = 1 - p(will receive nth ticket)
1-((1-0.5*0.2)*(1-0.3*0.1)*(1-0.2*0.5)*(1-0.4*0.2)) = 0.277
P.S. We cant just sum the probabilities of receiving nth ticket
For example, if there were 2 tickets with 100% probability of receiving each, summation of probabilities would give 200% probability of receiving a ticket, and it is not correct.
(ii) (0.2*0.5)/(0.5*0.2+0.3*0.1+0.2*0.5+0.4*0.2) = 0.323
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