Whats to odds of picking the 1st 2nd and 3rd place car in order in a 43 car field?
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There is only one variant that fits us and combintanions of 3 out of
43 =43!/(3!*40!)=12341 is all possible variants. So the odds of picing
the exact three cars are 12340:1.
robert harriss
05.09.12, 01:10
Sorry ,,Let me explain myself better.. Im am looking for what the
odds/probability IE: (34652 to 1) odds are to pick the 1st ,2nd and
3rd. place car in a nascar race,, there are 43 cars running that
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There is only one variant that fits us and combintanions of 3 out of 43 =43!/(3!*40!)=12341 is all possible variants. So the odds of picing the exact three cars are 12340:1.
Sorry ,,Let me explain myself better.. Im am looking for what the odds/probability IE: (34652 to 1) odds are to pick the 1st ,2nd and 3rd. place car in a nascar race,, there are 43 cars running that race...
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