1. It is known that the average price for a cappuccino in a restaurant is R15.40 with a standard deviation of R1.20. What is the probability that the sampling error for the mean is less than 0.20 for a sample of 32 restaurants?
2. It is known that, when given a choice between ordering an espresso or a cappuccino, 63% of people will order the cappuccino. For a sample of 253 people, what is the probability that sampling error for the proportion will be greater than 0.05?
3. Fifteen employees of a large manufacturing company were involved in a study to test a new production method. The mean production rate for the sample of 15 employees was 63 components per hour and the standard deviation was 8 components per hour. Calculate the margin of error for the mean number of components produced per hour at a 5% level of significance.
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Dear Princess, please submit new questions with a help of the panel.
04.10.20, 20:30
4. If a random sample of 50 cups of soda dispensed from a machine
showed the mean amount of soda dispensed was 7.9 ounces with s=0.35
ounces, find the confidence level if the margin of error is 0.083.
04.10.20, 20:29
3. Fifteen employees of a large manufacturing company were involved in
a study to test a new production method. The mean production rate for
the sample of 15 employees was 63 components per hour and the standard
deviation was 8 components per hour. Calculate the margin of error for
the mean number of components produced per hour at a 5% level of
04.10.20, 20:28
2. It is known that, when given a choice between ordering an espresso
or a cappuccino, 63% of people will order the cappuccino. For a sample
of 253 people, what is the probability that sampling error for the
proportion will be greater than 0.05?
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Dear Princess, please submit new questions with a help of the panel.
4. If a random sample of 50 cups of soda dispensed from a machine showed the mean amount of soda dispensed was 7.9 ounces with s=0.35 ounces, find the confidence level if the margin of error is 0.083.
3. Fifteen employees of a large manufacturing company were involved in a study to test a new production method. The mean production rate for the sample of 15 employees was 63 components per hour and the standard deviation was 8 components per hour. Calculate the margin of error for the mean number of components produced per hour at a 5% level of significance.
2. It is known that, when given a choice between ordering an espresso or a cappuccino, 63% of people will order the cappuccino. For a sample of 253 people, what is the probability that sampling error for the proportion will be greater than 0.05?
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