We are given a table with 4 columns. It shows us the effect of 4 operators,
chosen randomly, on the output of a particular machine. There are 4 sampe
data in the table for each operatot, so we can see that k = 4 and n = 4. We
want to use the ANOVA, so we have to find the means of operators and the
overall mean, The results are:
"\\mu_1" = 172.65
"\\mu_2" = 165.075
"\\mu_3" = 172.475
"\\mu_4" = 178.675
The overall mean is "\\mu" = 172.219. We want to test these hypothesis:
H0: "\\sigma_a^2" =0
H1:"\\sigma_a^2" ≠0
In order to perform the ANOVA, we have to find the values of SST,SSA and
SSE and we have to determine their degrees of freedom. First sum we are
going to find is SST:
SST ="\\sum^4_{i=1}\\sum^4_{i=1}(y_{ij}-\\mu)^2"= 471.6644
SST has kn —1 degrees of freedom. Since k= n =4, we get that SST has
15 degrees of freedom.
The next sum whose value we are going to determine is SSA:
SSA has k—1 degrees of freedom. Since k = 4,we get that SSA has 3
degrees of freedom.
The only sum left is SSE. Its value is:
SSE = SST — SSA= 99.7925
SSE has k(n — 1) degrees of freedom. Since k =n=4, we get that SSE has 12 degrees of freedom.
Now we have everything we need for creating ANOVA table. The table is
given by:
Source | Sum Sq |Deg| Mean Sq |F
Treatment | 371.8719 | 3 | 123.9573| 14.879
Error__ | 99.7925 |12 | 8.331
Total |471.6644 | 15 |
We get that the value of F statistic is 14.879. F- statistic has 3 and 12
degrees of freedom. Since we want to determine p-value, we are going to use
F-distribution applet. The result we get is
p-value is 0.00024. since the given significance level Is 0.05, we can see
that p < 0.05. This is why we reject null hypothesis. There is evidence to
coneldue that the operators are different
We have to find an estimate of the operator variance component and the
experimental error variance component. Since we already created the ANOVA
table, we just have to read the values and use the appropriate formula from
chapter 13. As a result we get:
"\\sigma^2" = MSE =8.331
"\\sigma_a^2" =(MSA- MSE)/4=(123.9573 — 8.331)/4=28.9066
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