The correlation between Sales Volume and # Households is quite strong. The correlation coefficient is quite big and positive.
The correlation between Sales Volume and # cars is quite strong (but not so strong as between Sales Volume and # Households). The correlation coefficient is quite big and positive.
The correlation between Sales Volume and marketing expense is not so strong as between Sales Volume and # Households, Sales Volume and # cars. The correlation coefficient is positive.
Using DataAnalysis in Excel we find the multiple linear regression model:
"\\hat{Y}=2240.6+80.7X_1+578.1X_2-1.9X_3\\\\\n\\text{where } \\hat{Y}\\text{ --- prediction for Sales Volume},\\\\\nX_1, X_2, X_3\\text{ --- number of Households, number of cars},\\\\ \n\\text{marketing expense respectively}.\\\\\nR\\text{ Square}\\approx 0.93\\\\\n\\text{It is high. So the model fits our data quite well}.\\\\\n\\text{Adjusted } R\\text{ Square}\\approx 0.92."
iii) If we look at Summary Output (p-value column) we can see that only X Variable 1 (# Households) explains "Y"(Sales Volume). So we drop X Variable 2, X Variable 3 (they do not explain "Y").
We have the new model:
"\\text{Adjusted } R\\text{ Square}\\approx 0.92."
It is the same as for the multiple model.
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