1 Information about data
You want to investigate the conditions of the apartments in city A. You selected simple
random sample of 50 apartments and got these data:
1. year: age of the building where an apartment is (in years).
2. area: the area of the apartment (in square meters).
3. price: price of the apartment (in euro).
2 Tasks for laboratory work 2
1. Task 1. Calculate main characteristics for each variable;
2. Task 2. Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the average of price;
3. Task 3. Verify hypothesis, that the average year is equal to 15.
4. Task 4. Verify hypothesis, that the average area is more than 45.
5. Task 5. Group your data by the year in these groups: 0-5; 6-10; 11-15; 16-20; 21-25;
26-30 and calculate all frequencies. Draw empirical density function.
6. Task 6. Group your data by the area in these groups: 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70-79;
80-89; 90-99 and calculate all frequencies. Draw empirical density fun
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