Now we have "f\\in\\mathcal R(V)" on "[a,b]", hence "|f|\\in\\mathcal R(V)"
Also "|\\Delta\\alpha_i|\\leqslant \\Delta V_i" and we obtain
"\\bigg| \\sum\\limits_i f(t_i) \\Delta \\alpha_i \\bigg|\\leqslant \\sum\\limits_i |f(t_i)||\\Delta \\alpha_i|\\leqslant \\sum\\limits_i |f(t_i)|\\Delta V_i"
and for the limits we have
"\\bigg| \\int\\limits_a^b f \\,d\\alpha \\bigg|\\leqslant \\int\\limits_a^b|f|\\,dV"
Next, "V" increases, so for any upper Stieltjes sum "US(|f|,V)" we have "US\\leqslant M|V(b)-V(a)|=MV(b)." Hence, we have the same for the infinum of sums, i.e. for "\\int\\limits_a^b|f|\\,dV" .
So, we showed that
"\\bigg| \\int\\limits_a^b f \\,d\\alpha \\bigg|\\leqslant \\int\\limits_a^b|f|\\,dV\\leqslant MV(b)"
where "M=\\sup\\limits_{[a,b]} |f|"
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