A company produces three products, 1 P2 P , and P , from three raw materials A, B 3
and C. One unit of product P1 requires one unit of A, 3 unit of B and 2 units of C. A
unit of product P2 requires two units each of A and B and 3 units of C, while one
unit of P needs 2 units of A, 6 units of B and 3 4 units of C. The company has a daily
availability of 8 units of A, 12 units of B and 12 units of C. It is further known that
the profit per unit is ` 3, 2 and 5 for 1 P2 P , and P , respectively. How many units of 3
product P1 , product P2 and product P should the company manufacture to 3
maximize the profit? Formulate this problem as a Linear programming problem.
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