1.Let a and b be real numbers and let p, q, and r denote the following sentences:
p = (a – x < b – x); q = (a < b); r = (a/x<b/x). Indicate whether each of the following compound sentences yields a true or false statement (A) when x = 2; (B) when x = -2.
a.p ↔ q
b. p ↔ r
c. r → p
d. p →r
e.q ↔ r
f. q → p
g. r → q
h. q →r
What can you say about each of the above expressions a – h when x = 0?
2. Which of the above sentences in No. 1 become implications and which of them become equivalences, if the admissible values for x are:
a. all positive real numbers?
b.All negative real numbers?
c.All real numbers?
3.Prove the following equivalences.
a.(p → q) <=> (~p V q)
b. ~(p ↔ q) <=> (p V q)
c.(p → q) <=> (~q → ~p)
d. [(q Λ r) V p] <=> [(p V q) Λ (p V r)]
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