QUESTION I NEED HELP WITH I can show on the number line the exact point where the answer to square root 8 is because 4x4=8
Concept(s)/aspect(s) involved (1) Reason/explanation (1)
Complete the table with learner responses in number. Some answers are right, some are wrong. In the second column, state which aspect of number sense did the learner display/not display. Two aspects/concepts may be mentioned like in the example. Then, explain your answer by giving a reason why you say so. Follow the example in the first row:
EXAMPLE: Learner: “Five, seven, nine, ten, eleven, thirteen, fifteen…” Answer Concepts/aspects involved Learner had a problem with counting or with the concept of what is an even number. Reason/explanation She counted in odd numbers, then went from nine to ten, showing she could not skip count. Also, she did not realize that ten is an even number.
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