Dear Meghan! Possibly, you're given concentration of something like
10,000units/ml, so you're asked how many units are there in 3.5
liters. Otherwise, it's a misunderstanding, because, as you've stated
correctly, liter is international unit for measuring volume.
31.05.13, 18:51
On my math assignment for pharmacy technicians it asks us to convert
3.5 liters to units. Is there anyway I can figure this out because
from what I am reading I am not seeing a way to convert liters to
units otherwise known as international units I believe.
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Dear Meghan! Possibly, you're given concentration of something like 10,000units/ml, so you're asked how many units are there in 3.5 liters. Otherwise, it's a misunderstanding, because, as you've stated correctly, liter is international unit for measuring volume.
On my math assignment for pharmacy technicians it asks us to convert 3.5 liters to units. Is there anyway I can figure this out because from what I am reading I am not seeing a way to convert liters to units otherwise known as international units I believe.
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