To buy a ticket for a weekly state lottery, a person selects 6 integers from 1 to 36 The order doesn't matter and you can pick any number more than once (111111 or 363636363636 are both valid choices) There are 1,947,792 such combinations of six digits Mark and nine friends want to win the lottery by buying every possible ticket, and plan to spend 16 hours a day doing it Assume that person buys one ticket every five seconds What do you think of this plan Can the project be completed with in a week
Expert's answer
Let's calculate, how much will they buy in a week. There are 10 people, each person buys for a 16*7=112 hours/week. Assuming 1 ticket in a 5 seconds we get 112hours/5sec=80640 tickets a week, times 10 we get 806,400 tickets a week which is not even half of the amount we need. Project can not be completed in a week.
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